Member-only story
My Hood Obsession has not Abated
Crafting Outside the Lines
I wasn’t satisfied with my previous hood knitting efforts. I kept knitting obsessively. I am now up to two more hoods (because obviously I need multiple hoods). Both are better than my previous efforts. Neither is yet the perfection that I seek. I am getting closer, though.
I had a brainwave while trying to fall asleep one night. My last hood was made by knitting a piece that was long enough to go from the front on one side around the back of my head to the front of my head on the other side. I then separated the stitches into three groups. The centre group forms the crown. To make the crown, I kept knitting in pattern to the end of the row. I then knitted the last stitch of the center grouping together with the first one from the edge group. I then turned the work and repeated the process. Knit to the end of the row, knit the last stitch together with the next one along the outer section. It worked great to make a nice hood shape, but a few of the stitches had the yarn looped around a bit funny and made the top of the piece a bit lumpy.
This time I decided to knit a rectangle that is long enough to go from shoulder to shoulder over the top of my head, and then knit a piece along the back using the same approach of separating the stitches into three groups to knit a piece that covers the back of my head. The benefit is that I was able to knit a nice bit of ribbing to frame my face, and decide how deep I wanted the hood to go depending on how I wear my hair. My challenge is…